Why do this study in the first place? Because Type 2 diabetes, which used to be called “adult-onset” diabetes, is accelerating faster than a race driver in the Indy 500. Since more and more young people are becoming butterballs, we have plenty of reasons to worry. So what does that mean for them? Dr. David M. Nathan, director of the Massachusetts General Hospital’s Diabetes Center, spelled it out, “I fear that these children are going to become sick earlier in their lives than we’ve ever seen before.” And severe risks are entailed in the use of some diabetes medications for young people. Besides, what will that do to an already messed-up health system, not that we actually have a “system”?
Parents, you have only yourselves to look to to deal effectively with this problem. The super rich, especially those behind the pharmaceutical companies, don’t care. The more medications get sold, the richer they get. Is there no end to their greed? Don’t they ever have enough? Parents, if you really love your kids, you have to start using “tough love” if nothing else works to get them to eat right and to exercise well. If you’re not sure where to start, do a little research on the Internet, or the library, or your school system. Start by being a good role model. It’s not hard. You can do it. If you don’t, no one else will.
Read more: http://healthland.time.com/2012/04/30/type-2-diabetes-is-tougher-to-treat-in-kids-and-teens/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+timeblogs%2Fwellness+%28TIME%3A+Wellness%29#ixzz1tZ7UOC8O
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