Quote of the Day

"A loving heart is the truest wisdom." Charles Dickens


Hello and welcome to my blog! I'm sure that health and well-being are subjects near and dear to most people's hearts. I'd like to use this blog to share ideas with others, what works and what doesn't. With the help of my cats, Maggie and Mingo, of course. They help me in the following ways: 1. by getting in the way; 2. by adding their comments to my writing; 3. by providing comfort with their purrs; and 4. by letting me know it's time to quit and play with them when they drag over their favorite toys and drop them in my lap.

Are you or someone you know thinking of hip replacement surgery? Don't be as unprepared as I was when I had my first one done. The doctors and medical personnel do NOT provide you with enough information to prepare for the recovery ordeal. Learn from my inexpensive ebook exactly how to prepare and what to have on hand for your recovery in assisting with your activities of daily living. You will have restrictions in what you can do. Don't risk dislocating your nice new hip by not being prepared. It does happen, but it doesn't have to happen to you. Go to my website at www.aakemp.com to purchase this really essential and informative guide.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Is Bottled Water Really Better?

How many of you reading this blog buy bottled water on a regular basis? If so, you're wasting your money.

According to Time's Wellness site, a recent study of different populations, made up approximately of one-third Caucasian, one-third Latino and one-third African-American, showed surprisingly that the Latino and African-American parents were much more likely to give their kids bottled water to drink, exclusively or almost so, reasoning that bottled water is better than tap water.

In fact, according to a National Resources Defense Council investigation, 17% of bottled water had unsafe levels of bacteria, and 22% were contaminated with such chemicals as arsenic and would not pass many state standards.

An interesting aside to this involves the demonstrated fact that about 25% of bottled waters actually contain nothing but tap water, despite what the labels say. (Whatever happened to "truth in advertising?")

Yeah, I know: bottled waters are just so convenient. But save your money and do what I do: take an empty plastic drink bottle and fill it with tap water. It's cheaper, probably safer and is ecologically more friendly. One bottle will last a long time. Now how hard is filling up some bottles at your sink and keeping them in the fridge until you're ready for them? No harder than picking up a case at the store, carrying it out to the car and then carrying it into the house! Think about it, folks.

You can read the full story at http://www.healthland.time.com/2011/06/07/study-the-perils-of-a-heavy-bottled-water-habit/#ixzz1P0m2Cl6v

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