Quote of the Day

"A loving heart is the truest wisdom." Charles Dickens


Hello and welcome to my blog! I'm sure that health and well-being are subjects near and dear to most people's hearts. I'd like to use this blog to share ideas with others, what works and what doesn't. With the help of my cats, Maggie and Mingo, of course. They help me in the following ways: 1. by getting in the way; 2. by adding their comments to my writing; 3. by providing comfort with their purrs; and 4. by letting me know it's time to quit and play with them when they drag over their favorite toys and drop them in my lap.

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Arthritis - Taking my own advice

I’ve been writing health and fitness content for other websites and blogs that focus on senior health and what to do if you have arthritis, which is: move your joints even if it hurts. Well, here lately I’ve had the opportunity (if that’s the right word for it) to follow my own advice. I’ve developed arthritis in my lower back that sends shooting pains down my legs whether I’m sitting, standing, moving or lying down. Add to that extreme arthritis in both hips. We’re talking “hip joint replacement” extreme.

This is particularly difficult for someone who’s been as physically active as I have, especially in walking, hiking and cycling. I love nothing better than to get out on the Appalachian Trail which runs near my home and trek for a few miles, taking up the better part of a day, delighting in nature’s beauty.

So am I taking my own advice? Darn tootin’ I am! As much as possible, anyway. I’ve had to cut down on my walking but can still do at least a couple of miles, in spite of my arthritis. I still use my bike, too. The hard part is getting on and off since it’s not a women’s bike. My hips weren’t bothering me when I bought it. And swimming has been looking more attractive as well. Of course my idea of swimming is to slip on some swim fins, grab a flotation board and kick my way back and forth across the pool. My chiropractor said that’s a great idea.

And my little kitty cats actually help, at least in keeping my moods up. I had written in that senior fitness article how furry companions do help keep feelings of loneliness down to a manageable level. That’s true, too. Research studies have proven that single people who have pets tend to outlive those who don’t. I’m a believer. My own little fur fiends (yes, that's spelled right) have made me one. Actually only one of them’s a fiend, the other’s a wuss. My fiend, Maggie, came to me a year ago, thin and hungry. She walked all the way up my long and convoluted driveway to say hello. So I fed her and got her checked at the local vet’s. Now she’s part of my household. I guess you could say she adopted me! Actually the heat from their bodies while they're lying on my lap is actually good for arthritis, too.

Anyway, the point of all this rambling is that there are things proven to help older folks with arthritis and other health problems deal with life in a positive manner. I’m living proof of that.

You know the old saying: You can’t keep a good woman down! Now all I need to do is find a good man, one who’s not allergic to cats.

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